Friday, October 9, 2009

October 9, 2009

October 8, 2009
Dear Parents,

We had a busy week.

SPELLING really got underway in both classes. In Mr. Bolger’s spelling class, homework was done in class this week so that students could get solid on the word-sorting routines before having to do them solo at home. Ms. Schoolcraft’s Fundations word-study class is moving at a brisk pace, and the kids are motivated.

ROCKS AND MINERALS: we studied the different layers of the earth, from crust to core, by frosting, and then cutting open, a jelly doughnut. Yum. As Jaden said, “If the Earth was really a jelly doughnut, I would so be going to the center of the Earth.” We also used chocolate chip cookies to model that minerals are pure elements that occur in the earth. Minerals can be parts of rocks, but they are not rocks. We also studied how humans EAT minerals. We looked at the ingredients in cereal boxes and vitamin bottles, and we made carrot and apple juice and drank the calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, and potassium!

READING AND WRITING have again been a big focus as we have practiced efficient reading techniques in anticipation of the NECAP testing next week (Tues., Weds., and Thursday).

STOWE PINNACLE: Dave Schmidt, Doug’s Dad, is a professional photographer, and he took most of the pictures that are now featured in the slide show on the Bolger Class Blog (see the side bar on our Calliope Website). Dave has kindly offered to make the originals available to parents for cost. Here is the note he sent me this week:

David – If any of the parents are interested in some of the Pinnacle Pics, including the compilation poster and panorama, I’ve created a gallery for them where prints can be ordered. All net proceeds (print price minus what the printer takes) from the sale of these prints will go to the student fund. To get to them, go to, click client galleries, then click “Calliope”. From there it’s pretty self explanatory.

- David

NECAP TESTING: please make sure that your child gets good sleep and breakfast next week. NECAP testing will be two sessions each day on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Have a great weekend everyone!
