Wednesday, March 10, 2010

December 11, 1009

Calliope Weekly Update
December 7-11, 2009
Week Fifteen

Dear Parents,

Literacy: In Mr. Bolger's reading, students have revisited this week what topics, what genres, and which authors really move them. Many kids are finally landing that book or that series that they can't put down. It has been exciting. Ms. Schoolcraft’s readers explored features of nonfiction text and noticed these features (captions, headings, bold words, etc) and how they enhance comprehension. Readers in both classes continue to write in their journals the thoughts they have about their reading.

Math: Fourth graders have focused on data collection and analysis with a particular focus on finding median and mean. Students measured heads of family members, and Megan reported getting her measuring tape wet measuring her fish's head. Third graders practiced partial sums addition, trade-first subtraction, and engaged in a variety of tasks manipulating numbers during group work and our games station. Third graders earned their 2nd popcorn party of the year by transitioning quietly from station to station during math.

Writing: Mr. Bolger's Writing this week has centered on students' developing their narrative stories. Ms. Schoolcraft’s authors will be finished with narratives and both classes will begin writing responses to text next week.

Word Study: Mr. B's spelling class earned the privilege of wearing pajamas for Friday's spelling bee when the group averaged an 85.9% on Thursday’s test -- a review of all their first semester words. Ms. S’s group has been hard at work with v-e words and the addition of vowel suffixes to both v-e words and 1-1-1 words. Students wore clothes backwards on Thursday, and drilled sounds backwards, spelled and wrote words backwards, and sat in chairs backwards!

Social Studies: Students finished world and North America maps this week, and started working on map scales. We will continue this work next week.

Responsive Classroom: Over the past several weeks, we have noticed many students working more efficiently, effectively, and independently. Also, we're seeing students in much of our cross-classroom work cooperate readily and productively. We've got a good head of steam going as we arrive soon at our Winter Break. Snowflake Bentley "saw beauty where others did not," and reading his story this week reminded us that we don't need more beautiful things. We just need to better see the beauty in the world, the people, and even the snowflakes around us.

Cookies! Just a reminder that Calliope house will be having our cookie swap on Monday, December 21st. We hope this experience will be a positive one for you and your child, as you select a recipe and prepare it together. Not only will we be able to share tasty treats on Monday, but we’ll hopefully learn a little more about Calliope family traditions, as well. December 15th is a half-day for students; please plan accordingly. Enjoy the chilly, snowy weekend!

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