Monday, September 3, 2012

August 31, 2012

Julia and Ananya talk in Math
August 31, 2012

Dear Parents,

We have gotten off to a quick start in our 2012-2013 school year.  You have already seen your child’s Home-School Journal. Thank you for writing in it and sending it back on time J.

We have enjoyed learning (or relearning) our many classroom routines and expectations. Ask your child about these things:

-         The flower tour
-         Our three school rules (be safe, be kind, and be responsible.)
-         How we earn “warm buzzies”
-         How we use the colored tiles in the hallway to remember how to walk in a straight line
-         Our expectations for being in Circle: “listen to the speaker, look at the speaker, no side-talking, hands are empty, and we share our good thoughts.
-         Our bathroom signal
-         Our “get-a- drink” signal 
-         When and where we hand in our Home School Journals.
-         Class chores for next week.
-         Our class pets: worms!
-         Xander’s idea that “if you think you can, you will”
-         Wylie’s idea that you can  grow pickles: you grow cucumbers and then you soak them to turn them into pickles.
-         The great songs we learned in Music class this week.

A few notes:

1)   please remember to send in a spoon or fork with your child if he or she needs one to eat their snack. I have a couple of extra spoons on hand, but it’s a lot easier on the kids if I can attend to them and not have to step away to go find a spoon or a fork.

2)    one student shared this morning that he got a surprise from the tooth fairy. Another student called out, “there is no tooth fairy. It’s your parents.”  What I said was, “just like we all have different last names and we live in different houses, we can also have our different thoughts about such things as the tooth fairy. Some families choose to believe in it and other families don’t.  We don’t have to change our friends and change what they think. We can let them be happy. And we can be happy  ourselves believing what our family believes. It’s ok to disagree with each other and still like each other.”
James and Leo sort frogs in Math

3)   I am sending home a refrigerator magnet to help students remember our classroom schedule.

4)    I am sending home a reading log today, and I’ll send a new one home each Friday. Students should plan to read 15 or twenty minutes each night, and you help them record what they have read. Pass in the sheet on Friday to keep track of the wonderful books that have been read!

That’s all for now, folks. What a wonderful class! A special welcome to two new students and their familes: Chloe Pecor (an effervescent first grader) and Ally Clos (a smart-as-a-whip second grader from Ohio).

Have a nice weekend!

Mr. Bolger