Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March 24th

March 24, 2015

Notes from the Classroom.

Hello, Parents! 

1) Congratulations to our wonderful Odyssey of the Mind Team (including current and former Horizon students Lauren Davis, Jasper Wood, Boden Moreau, Nina Zimakas, and Wiley Tharp). They came in first place in their division at the recent meet for  Problem #4, "Losing Your Marbles."  See the photo below. We are so proud of you. Special thanks to Katrina Moreau and Deborah Miuccio, OM coaches. 

2) Tomorrow (Wednesday), we will be searching for animal tracks on our ABS nature path from about 1:00 pm. to 2:00 pm.  If you are interested in joining us, we'd love to have you :) Be sure to take your winter boots to school! 

3) Jumprope for Heart is this Friday, March 27th, for those who are participating.  

4) Horizon Reading Restaurant, an evening event celebrating our writing from this year, will take place on Tuesday, April 14th. There will be two shifts: 6:30-7:10 and  7:15-8:00 pm.  Our classroom will be outfitted in a woodland/pond-habitat scene.  The  kids will be invited to dress up (resourcefully, not expensively) as an animal of their choice. Your child will be in the first or the second shift. We will be choosing the shifts in the next couple of days. 

5)  We began "Typing Club" today during our Tech Lab time. The kids are beginning to learn their  home row: jfjfjfjfjjjjjfffff...

6) Last week, we did a fun experiment with pennies, tinfoil, and buckets of water. Ask your child about that. 

7) This week in writing, we are working hard to finish up or first full drafts of our Research papers. Stay tuned.

8) Conferences: if you haven't signed up  for one yet, please do by clicking on the first link below (class blog) and scrolling down to the conference schedule. See which times are free, and send me an email to lay claim to one of them. 

9) Reading Logs:  you should have a reading log (sent home in the Friday Folder on Friday) at home. Let me know if you don't have one. Many new toys in our treasure chest for this  week!  Read, read, read! 

10) Welcome back, Elsie! Our old classmate, Elsie is coming back from North Carolina to visit her friends at ABS!  Elsie and her mom, Leigh, are on the road right now, and they will be joining us on Friday morning to sing in the front hallway. Then, they will come down to the classroom. We can't wait. We have really missed Elsie!  

That's it for now! 

Mr. B.