Dear Parents,
We've had a couple of great days so far this week. The students are excited to be typing up their "Personal Narratives." Stay tuned; we'll have our Kidblogs fully functional by next Monday, and you'll be able to see all of your child's writing there.
Some upcoming dates and events to be aware of:
1. Our School-Wide Harvest Festival-in-the-Garden (next Tuesday): send a bowl, a spoon, and a cup of chopped veggies (no meat). Want to help?
Next Tuesday, we will celebrate our ABS-wide Harvest Celebration in the ABS Garden. We'll be making stone soup. I hope you received our Stone-Soup Flyer in last week's Friday Folder. Milk, apples and bread will be provided by the cafeteria. We are asking every child to bring in (by this Thursday or Friday) a cupful of fresh, cut veggies (ex: lentils, beans, celery, potatoes, onions, carrots, brussel sprouts, peas, squash, apples.). We will be careful to return your tupperware if you would kindly mark it. Note, if you cannot send in veggies, don't worry. There will be plenty for sharing.
On Tuesday, please send your child in with a cup and a spoon for eating stone soup! If your child does not wish to eat the soup, please send in an alternate lunch. We won't be serving "hot lunch" in the cafeteria that day.
Also needed: volunteers who can come and help serve soup from 10:30 to 1:30 -- or any time between -- in our garden. Several friends are joining me to play a bunch of fiddle and guitar tunes during the celebration. Join us if you can!
2. Next Wednesday will be our Four Winds program. Yeah!
Please remember to have your child dress warmly and with good shoes for clomping around outside on Wednesday.
3. Next Thursday, we will celebrate our Horizon Harvest Party
(in place of what we used to call our Halloween party). It'll be at 1:45 pm. Karen Allen (our room mom) and I will be contacting you soon via email to ask about folks donating a few baked goods or coming in to help with a craft.
Mr. Bolger