Friday, October 12, 2012

A question for My Students

October 12, 2012

 "I know my mom loves me because..."
"I know my cat loves me when..."

Dear Class Poets,

Welcome to our class blog. There is something I am trying to figure out: 

Every day, we hear people say, "I love you,"  to each other.

And lots of times you can tell someone loves you by what they do.

 Do people at your house say something to let you know they love you?

Does someone at your house do something that shows they love you?

Where do you see love? How do you know someone loves you?

Please write your answer so we can make a list of the ways. Then together, with all your comments,
I will help you join your ideas to make a gigantic, class Love Poem.

Thank you for your quiet, loving thoughts this morning.

Mr. Bolger