Thursday, February 14, 2013

February 14, 2013

Hello Parents!

Skiing is a go for tomorrow. 

Also, I want to thank everyone who helped to make today's Valentine's celebration a success.  The kids were just lit up all day (and not just because of the sugar.)  You could see as they handed out their valentines to each other that this  really was meaningful for them. Lots of compliments and lots of reflection about how happy they are to have each other as friends. It was great. 

And the 100th-Day-of-School celebration: again, the kids loved bringing in something they had made at home with you. Both of these events this week reignited the spark in these kids at this dreary time of year.  

Third: we are expecting a new student! She is a second-grade girl, and she will be arriving either tomorrow or Monday. It'll be fun for us to invite a new friend into this year's great mix!

Mr. Bolger

ps:  Check out the pictures from the last several weeks on the sidebar. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

February 6, 2013

Hello Parents.

Today, Everyone at Allen Brook participated in "Digital Learning Day."   Here is what we did:

- We posted our recently-completed fiction stories on our Kidblogs.
- We each  paired up -- via computer -- with a 3rd/4th grade student in Ms. Schoolcraft's class.
- Then, we read and commented on our partners' posts and they, in turn, commented on ours.
- Have your child show you his or her story on our Kidblog. Make a comment on your child's post if you'd like. Consider making a comment on a couple of other kids' stories.
- Note: I have added GUEST USERS to our list of users on our Kidblog. The password for guests is Horizon12.
- Ask your child to show you who their partner was today in Ms. Schoolcraft's Class. Have your child show you his or her comment. Maybe together you could leave another comment. (You may have to be logged in to our class Kidblog to be allowed to leave a comment on the Schoolcraft Kidblog.)

- I was proud of your kids today -- their patience and perseverance as we worked through the twists and turns of  logging onto the computer ( including spelling Horizon12) , logging onto Kidblog, and  learning to comment, edit, post, and not lose it if their laptop lost power and shut down. They also were very generous in helping each other. You might ask your child if he or she helped any classmates today. :)

- Next steps: we hope to Skype with Ms. Schoolcraft's class tomorrow or Friday. Also on Friday, students will take more ownership of their blogs by choosing a unique  "theme" to use to dress up their Kidblog page. If you would like to help them get a jump on that, please feel free to get started.

On another note, we were so focused yesterday and today on our Digital Learning Day, we just couldn't squeeze in writing to you in our Home School Journals. Sorry. We will write to you tomorrow, and they can come back on Monday. 

That's it for now.

Thank you. Have a nice rest of the week.


January 30, 2013

January 30, 2013

Hello Parents,
A few quick notes:

Home-School Journals went home today. They will be due on Friday.

Mr. Bolger’s Second-Grade Fundations is due tomorrow (Thursday). We will have our Unit-9 test.

First Grade Fundations packets came home on Monday. They are due on February 22nd. Please let us know if your child did not come home with a packet and we will get you one.

I sent home this week’s reading logs today. Sorry for getting them to you late. As always, you can just think back and estimate your child’s reading time over the last several days. Please try to have your child think about the weekly reading log question and attempt to answer it. Thanks.

Dental Cleanings will be available here this Friday. The cost is $18.00. There is also financial aid available to cover the cost. If interested, please contact our Nurse, Sylvia Love at 878-5762 X5857 as soon as possible.

Our Valentine’s Day Party will take place on Thursday, February 14th, at 1:30 p.m. A letter with classmate names will be coming home in next week’s Friday Folder.

Today’s 3rd and 4th Grade Concert was beautiful. It was exciting to see so many of our old Horizon 2nd-graders. You might want to ask your child which friends they saw and which song they liked the most.

January 14, 2013

January 14, 2013

Hello Parents!

We have had an upbeat start to the week with lots of laughing as we have begun crafting our "fantasy" short stories. I thought you might like to see our  rubric for short stories (attached below). It is a brainstorm of ideas for characters, settings, problems, etc, that the students can launch from when they plan out their own stories. I am especially interested in having them be creative in solving their "problems" with a secret skill or a a clever act or a gesture of kindness. We can certainly go beyond, "I knocked the monster down and ran home. "  :)
Invite your child to share his or her brainstorming on this. What will be the setting? What will be the problem and the solution? 

I have also attached the cover of our Whangdoodles book. We are, at long last, nearing the end of the children's journey. Today, having left the professor behind, they finally met the Whangdoodle, the last mystical beast on earth, and the king of Whangdoodle Land.
Ask your child to describe the Whangdoodle to you.
Here is what we learned today - about what he looked like:
"Two eyes and a very-large pair of antlers emerged from the tapestry. followed by a mooselike head that bore them. Next came four rather short legs attached to a round, barrellike body...his voice was deep...The whangdoodle was truly an extraordinary creature...He was the size of a small pony. His face was big and friendly with large brown eyes and long, fair eyelashes. His eyebrows were arched,giving him a constant look of surprise. His muzzle looked soft as velvet and when he grinned, he displayed strong, horselike teeth which protruded over his lips. His antlers were amazingly large and very handsome. He held his head proudly, in keeping with his generally regal air. His body was a warm, grey-brown color and his small, rather thin tail was fashioned into a love not. On his hind feet he wore a pair of old bedroom slippers with floppy tassels."
And last: we are in our second week of Science Workshops on solids, liquids, and gases. Ask your child about his or her workshop today.
That's all for now.

Have a great rest of the week.