Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sign Up for Parent-Teacher Conferences (Monday, 2/10- Friday, 2/21)

Jan. 30, 2014

Dear Parents,

Please cut and paste the link below into your browser to sign up for Upcoming Parent-Teacher Conferences. Slots are available between Monday, February 10th and Friday, February 21st.  On most days, I have openings from 7:00-7:30 a.m. and then from 4:00-4:30 p.m. On several days, there are also openings from 3:00-4:00.  If none of these times work for you, please don't hesitate to email me.

Thanks. See you soon!

Mr. Bolger

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year!

January 2, 2014
Hello Parents!
Welcome back! It was great to see all the kids today. We came up with our New Year's resolutions. Each child will be posting his or hers on our Horizon display in the hall. Ask your child what his or her resolution is.  We also visited the library -- they had an extra slot and we took advantage of it since we missed Library on Tuesday. If your child still has a library book at home from before the vacation, please help him or her remember to bring it in tomorrow.
Next week we will be launching a writing unit on Persuasive Writing. We will also begin our second six-week "WIN" unit of the school year ("What I Need") For the 2:00-2:30 block Monday through Thursday, we organize all of our (Horizon) students into a half-dozen study groups. Each group "attends" a particular mini-course with a Horizon teacher.  We pair students with an academic focus because of an expressed interest or a talent or a need for strengthening in that area. We do these intensive studies in a variety of subjects from reading fluency or reading comprehension or handwriting to math-facts fluency or  math problem-solving to research or science. The first round was a big success, and the kids were enthusiastic.
That's all for now. Happy (almost) Friday (already).
Mr. Bolger