Wednesday, March 10, 2010

January 8, 2010

Calliope Weekly Update
January 4-8, 2010
Week Seventeen

Literacy: Ms. Schoolcraft finished reading The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi aloud this week and started a new read aloud, Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh by Robert O’Brien. Students in both classes spent time finishing their responses to literature with the book Brave Irene and worked independently while Mr. B and Ms. S worked to complete January’s reading assessments.

Math: Fourth grade students have focused this week on learning a variety of strategies for solving problems like this: Gaylord Farm harvested a truckload of potatoes. They sold 400 potatoes on Saturday at the farmer’s market, and had 324 left over. How many, exactly, did they harvest? 324 = P - 400. One great strategy is to write out the fact family for the number sentence: (P – 400 = 324, P – 324 = 400, so 400 + 324 = P, and 324 + 400 = P). Seeing it written as an addition problem makes it simple to solve for P. P = 724.
Third graders started a unit on multiplication. They explored the fact that multiplication is the study of things in equal groups, and is an efficient strategy for repeated addition. Students explored the concept of arrays, circles and stars, and read a math book entitled Each Orange has Eight Slices by Paul Giganti, Jr. Students will be working on a project around this book in the upcoming week.

Writing: Both classes completed publishing responses to text about the book Brave Irene by William Steig.

Word Study: Ms. Schoolcraft’s class studied the schwa this week. Mr. B’s class is really working on applying spelling rules in writing, and is publishing silly stories on the spelling blog.

Social Studies: Students worked in cross-class pairs to create salt-dough physical maps of the state of Vermont. We added a little math into the mix when we created dough using 1 part flour, 1 part salt, and 2/3 part water.

Responsive Classroom: With so many changes in our support staff (Ms. Gail, Ms. Landrigan, Ms. Kozlik), Calliope is reviewing classroom and house norms and expectations as we get settled into what is classically a great stretch of learning time (January and February).

Ask me about:
• Maps
• Our new classroom teacher Ms. Hillary
• Brainpop
• My narrative

Other: The Cochran ski program started today. Students are dismissed at 1:20 on Fridays to attend the ski program. Calliope will be attending the Catamount Family Center for our winter field trip at the end of the month. Please check the Friday folders for additional information and a permission slip.

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