Calliope Weekly Update
May 17-21, 2010
Week Thirty-four
May 17-21, 2010
Week Thirty-four
Reading & Writing:
The Reading Restaurant was a huge success! Thanks to all families for
your support with the restaurant itself, and for being kind and
generous patrons! In the upcoming weeks, students will be completing
end-of-the-year assessments in reading and spelling in preparation of
June report cards.
Math: Fourth
graders worked on dyads and problem solving this week, as well as,
participated in the fourth and final ‘studio’ class of the year. Third
graders are working with geometry; specifically attribute blocks and
lines, line segments, and rays.
Word Study: Both classes maintained a consistent spelling routine despite the reading restaurant preparations this week. Ms. S’s class completed unit 9 in Fundations, including the application of the 1-1-1 rule for adding vowel suffixes to 1-1-1 words with r-controlled vowels.
Science: Fourth
graders completed the first two sessions of the Science NECAP on
Tuesday. Fourth graders will finish with the inquiry task next
Tuesday. A good night’s sleep and breakfast prior to testing helps
students start off on the right foot. In other news, our expected
hatch day is Wednesday, 5/26. Students are eagerly anticipating the
hatch of our chicks. On Thursday, we visited Mrs. Wirsing’s classroom
to view an embryo that has been developing without its shell. We were
able to see what our embryos look like and identify body parts…the eye,
egg tooth, feathers, and feet. Science is amazing!
Responsive Classroom: I
continue to be impressed and amazed at the manners and kindness I
witness between students. Much of this came to fruition at the reading
restaurant; students remained calm and were incredibly polite not only
to our guests, but to each other. That is a success to be celebrated
by all of us.
On Thursday, both classes were able to ‘serve’ each other as we visited
one another’s reading restaurant. How wonderful to see the excitement
as students visited each other’s core classes and experienced the
reading restaurant as a guest.
Ask me about:
· Art Show
· Reading Restaurant Rehearsal!
· Discovery’s Reading Restaurant
· Science necap – 4th grade
Other: With
the Reading Restaurant behind us, we have the final four weeks of
school fast approaching. As we prepare for many endings – Calliope
House, Allen Brook for all of us, the completion of another grade, 4th grade graduation (to name a few…) let’s take a deep breath and slow down.
We have much excitement planned in the upcoming weeks…let’s enjoy every
minute with each other, practicing respect and kindness. You are all
an amazing group of kids and parents and I am so thankful to be a part
of the house that is Calliope.
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