Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday the 13th in Mr. Bolger's Class

April 13, 2012

Dear Parents,

Reading Restaurant: thank you again everyone, for making our Reading Restaurant a success. The kids are still exchanging their writing pieces, and they are avidly reading, and discussing them.

Literacy: we have finished our read-aloud book, The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet. We have followed that up by writing reflections on what we liked most about the book and what we thought the author, Eleanor Cameron, wanted us to learn.

Sharing: our theme for the coming week is “When I am 25 years old…” 
This week’s theme was “Something I notice about adults…”  and it yielded such provocative responses as, “I noticed that when I ask my mom questions, she says, ‘Ask me tomorrow,’” or “I noticed that grownups are always on the computer,” or  “I notice that grownups talk to their sisters on the phone a lot.”  Today, one student said, “Um, you’re not going to like this…sometimes grownups are grumpy.” J

Four Winds: last week, we had a great 4-winds lesson on  Deer. We learned that they eat about two pounds of branches and leaves each day. That’s a lot of sticks!

Ms. Jacy is Leaving!  Thursday of next week is our student teacher, Jacy Hagy’s last day with us :(    Jacy has done it all -- from teaching Fundations by playing charades  -- to teaching Space by having us  research big questions and paint them onto big, hanging stars  -- to teaching us how to  write good poetry by closing our eyes and really noticing what we think about when we think about spring.  She even joined the Horizon House Band on Stage at the Variety Show and Hula Hooped while everyone sang. She’s awesome! We will be compiling letters to her, but your child may feel motivated to write a nicer letter at home or make her a little craft as a thank-you. Purely optional!

Some Upcoming Dates:

·         Conferences continue today and next week. Please contact me if you haven't yet signed up for a conference.
·         2nd-Grade Parent Input Sheets for transition to 3rd grade are due:  Monday April 16th
·         Letters out to parents with placement decision:  early June 
·         Step Up for incoming 3rd graders: June 5th
·         Parent Orientation for 3rd grade: June 5th
·         Tentative Kindergarten (new First Graders) Step Up Day:  June 8th
·         \Our Horizon end of the year picnic: Maple St., Park,  June 6 from 9 AM to 2 PM. Parents, of course, are welcome!

Sleep! With the arrival of spring sports and our spending more time outside after dinner, a lot of kids (including my own) just can’t resist staying up late and going to school tired. Let’s all work to help our children keep that regular routine and get to bed early for a full nights sleep!

Compost Day is Coming!  Don’t forget that we will have our tenth annual ABS compost day coming up –either the second or the third Saturday of May. Students have been composting their food scraps in the cafeteria all winter long, and they have been made into compost at an off-site compost center. Now it’s time to bring back the compost. Families pre-order  (at about $8.00 per 33-gallon barrel of compost.)  Then you come on that Saturday, you bring your own barrel, and our first and second graders (volunteering for the morning) shovel your compost into your vehicle for you. It’s a glorious event! So, try to hold off on buying compost ‘til after vacation.  Thanks!

Have a Springy weekend, everyone.  Do we dare leave our cell phones at home and go have a picnic in the woods somewhere?  I will if you do.  I almost can’t imagine…

Mr. Bolger

Ps: Some Quotes from our Sharing Last Week:

“Someone Who I Admire…”

“I admire Tyler and Mitchell because they play with me at recess and they’re nice.” - Leo

“And I admire my dad because he likes to play with me.” - Leo

“I admire Luna, Anna, Adia, and Anna Sophia because they are really kind. They play with me at recess.”  -- Kayla

“I admire Neil for helping me build the stuff of the spaceship.”  - James

“I admire my dad because he is really strong and he can build a lot of things and he helps me build stuff at home and other stuff. And we take apart stuff, like I took apart my toy car. I feel good when my dad does that with me.”  - Sean

“I admire my mommy, and I’m going to tell you three reasons. First, she is really nice. She doesn’t yell at me. 2nd, she’s really helpful and she lets me help her sometimes. The 3rd reason is that when it comes to having tough times, she tries to cheer me up, and it makes me happy.”
– Ananya.

‘I admire my dad because I really want to build houses like him. And he’s really good at making  robots and rocket ships and forts out of cardboard.”  -- Brodi

“ I admire my dad because he’s really nice to me. The second reason is he plays with me when he has time since he works a lot and I barely get to see him. The third reason is he does reports with me when I come home with nonfiction books on Wednesdays.”  - Anna Sophia

“I would want to admire myself! That’s because I like myself very much because I’m awesome at video games because each level I do it only takes one or two shots to beat it! And, I’m also good at making good aliens, and I’m an awesome reader too; at least I try to be awesome!”
– Diego

“I admire Kayla because she is creative and a nice friend. And I admire Julia because she lends me her markers when she is doing free-draw.”  <What adult would you like to be like when you grow up?> “I would like to be like my mom because she’s kind and she’s smart, and she can draw good pictures.”  - Luna

“I admire two people: one is Luna and one is Kayla. Why I admire Luna is because she gets a zip line in her back yard and I get to play on it; and why I admire Kayla is because she is very creative and nice. “ - Julia

“ I admire my dad because this morning he gave me mints and he gave me a pencil with all the presidents. And I admire my mom because she reads me books at bedtime and she gives me snuggles.”  - Tyler

Quotes still to come: Cutter, Adia, Mitchell, Olivia Roberts, Olivia Beaudry, and Anna Van Buren. Stay Tuned!

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