Wednesday, May 21, 2014

May 21, 2014

May 21, 2014
Hi Parents,
Today was our last Four-Winds program. Thank you so much to Brennan Brown, Becky Tharp, and Kim Jennings. You guys were terrific this year. You brought lots of energy, a love for the science, and a special patience and enthusiasm for each kid. They ALL benefited from your being here.
Parents, if you want to follow up on what we learned today, it was about how people and animals find our way. How do we remember where to go to get home? How do birds know how to go south and then come back to the same tree in the spring time?  Ask your child some of these questions.
Also, you could ask about some of the stations (5) that we did today.
We learned to use compasses; we played "Directions Simon-Says," (ex: Simon says, "take two steps to the north..."); we used a treasure map to find hidden treasure; we sat quietly and realized how well we can picture the layout of our home from our memory. We pictured ourselves entering our house after school (mud room? kitchen? living room?), and then we drew a bird's eye view of our bedrooms.   Thanks to Kim, we ended the class with popsicles (our hidden treasure). 
Ask your child about the bird's nest we've found in the tree up on the hill behind our classroom.  What did we see in the nest?)
Reading Log: I am attaching one here in case you don't have one and would like to fill one out for this week -- for the treasure chest pick on Friday.

Monday, May 12, 2014

May 12, 2014

May 12, 2014

Hi Parents,

Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers. I hadn't been thinking about Teacher Appreciation Week, so I was totally taken by surprise when the kids walked in first thing and gave me their flowers.  I was honestly touched. Thank you for taking the time to find a flower and do the impossible --- getting it here in one piece. We put them in a vase, and they brightened up the room. 

Then, all across the day, the kids kept asking, "Can I take a flower home?" So, I decided,
"Sure. Of course I should share these with you guys."    Thank you, again.

Another wonderful thing that happened was that Karen Allen and your kids created a book about our class! It features every one of our students (and we're going to photoshop in Hanna!) Karen got it published, and she came in and read it to us today. It tells about how, when you are having a blue day,  remember that you always have friends by your side. Thank you, Karen!

Field Trip to the Montshire Museum:

Don't forget that our field trip to the Montshire is on Friday.We leave right at would be helpful if your child could be sure to have breakfast at home due to the tight schedule.
We plan to arrive there at about 9:45 am.
I have heard from three parents/grandparents who wish to be chaperones. We may not have any more room on the bus, but if you would like to chaperone and you are able to drive to the Montshire (and are able to pay for your day pass) we'd love to have you.

Remember we have a late pick up that day. We plan to arrive home at ABS at 3:30 pm. Please plan to pick up your child then.

There is no cafeteria, at the Montshire, so if you are chaperoning, remember to take your own cold lunch.
There is a gift shop.  I will be downplaying it, and I'll tell the kids that I won't be buying anything myself.  The kids who wish to buy something usually  bring something between $2.00 and $5.00.

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH: Today, Mrs. Frisby learned that the Rats have a plan to move away from the farm. We wondered why they would want to move away -- especially since they would lose their comforts like electricity and electric lights which they somehow have been smart enough to figure out how to use!

The next chapter is called, "A Sleeping Powder For Dragon." 

I hope your week is off to a good start.

Mr. B.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

May 3, 2014

Dear Parents and Students,

The year is nearly through. And it feels too soon.

I remember a December Morning Meeting when students were  predicting when the first real snow would come. It came, and the skiing season -- with Friday skiing -- came. There were Halloween entries and Thanksgiving entries in our Home-School Journals. We had our Polar Express Day and The Hundredth Day of School, and Halle moved away. Now,  February and March vacations, and even the Reading Restaurant are behind us.  Baseball has started, and we're scheduling our dentist appointments into August.

Looking ahead, I feel proud and also sentimental knowing that we will be saying, "So long!" to you 2nd graders. Xander, Wylie, Scarlet, Nina, Kali, Derek, Delia, DJ, Chloe, Charlie, and Brendan, You have been the backbone of this class; you have all grown so much,  and we will miss you so much. Soon-to-be Second Graders,  Zoey, Taeshaan, Phin, Megan, Jasper,  Boden, and Audrey, come August, you will be the old kids, and I will look to you to lead with all your curiosity and passion --  to welcome and guide your new, younger classmates.

 Reading Restaurant -- a last word:  I want to compliment you, students, for your great writing and for your great performance as waiters, busspeople, chefs, and maitre-d's in our Reading Restaurant. I just put together the compilation of all that Reading Restaurant 2014 writing, and it really is impressive. Congratulations. Ms. Poirot has been very interested in your pieces as she chooses writing from across our school and WCS to feature in the Spring edition of The Scribe.

Upcoming Events: 

Monday, May 5: our new classmate, Hanna, arrives!
Monday, May 5:  I will be doing end-of-year assessments in Reading.
Monday, May 19: "          "                   "                               "
Friday,  May 9: Beauty and the Beast at WCS.  (also 2 shows on May 10th)
Friday, May 16: Field Trip to the Montshire Museum (we have three spots available on the bus for chaperones. First come, first served. Email me if you're interested!)
*note: we will be arriving back here at ABS that day at 3:45.  You will need to arrange to pick up your child.
Friday, May 16: Williston School Satisfaction Survey is due. Here is the link: . It's very helpful to us teachers. Thank you for your honest thoughts!

Details on Beauty and the Beast, May 9th (from Cindy Pavlik): 

"There will be no hot lunch options that day, but cold sandwich order forms were forwarded by John to all classroom teachers.  If you have any students needing a cold lunch prepared by the cafeteria, please be sure to submit a completed form to Helen by Tuesday, May 6.  If you do not have a form, and you want to order from the cafeteria,  email Mr. Bolger  with your choice of turkey sandwich or ham sandwich. 

Everyone should eat at 11 in their houses, except Kindergarten, which can use the cafeteria.
Expect to board the buses at 11:30.
Parents who pick their children up need to be reminded to pick up at WCS.
All Part 2 kids needing to return to ABS after the play will take Bus I."

That's it for now.  Please email me if you have any questions. I hope you're enjoying the bits of sun and warm air. 

Mr. Bolger