Hi Parents,
Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers. I hadn't been thinking about Teacher Appreciation Week, so I was totally taken by surprise when the kids walked in first thing and gave me their flowers. I was honestly touched. Thank you for taking the time to find a flower and do the impossible --- getting it here in one piece. We put them in a vase, and they brightened up the room.
Then, all across the day, the kids kept asking, "Can I take a flower home?" So, I decided,
"Sure. Of course I should share these with you guys." Thank you, again.
Another wonderful thing that happened was that Karen Allen and your kids created a book
about our class! It features every one of our students (and we're going
to photoshop in Hanna!) Karen got it published, and she came in and
read it to us today. It tells about how, when you are having a blue day, remember that you always have friends by your side. Thank you, Karen!

Field Trip to the Montshire Museum:
Don't forget that our field trip to the Montshire is on Friday.We leave right at 8:15....it would be helpful if your child could be sure to have breakfast at home due to the tight schedule.
We plan to arrive there at about 9:45 am.
I have heard from three parents/grandparents who wish to be chaperones. We may
not have any more room on the bus, but if you would like to chaperone
and you are able to drive to the Montshire (and are able to pay for your
day pass) we'd love to have you. Remember we have a late pick up that day. We plan to arrive home at ABS at 3:30 pm. Please plan to pick up your child then.
There is no cafeteria, at the Montshire, so if you are chaperoning, remember to take your own cold lunch.
There is a gift shop.
I will be downplaying it, and I'll tell the kids that I won't be buying
anything myself. The kids who wish to buy something usually bring
something between $2.00 and $5.00.
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH: Today,
Mrs. Frisby learned that the Rats have a plan to move away from the
farm. We wondered why they would want to move away -- especially since
they would lose their comforts like electricity and electric lights
which they somehow have been smart enough to figure out how to use!
The next chapter is called, "A Sleeping Powder For Dragon."
The next chapter is called, "A Sleeping Powder For Dragon."
I hope your week is off to a good start.
Mr. B.
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