Friday, September 12, 2014

August 27, 2014

Hello Parents!

It was a very busy day, as you can imagine, but many, many good, first-day things happened like kids spontaneously helping each other tie their shoes, and  kids getting silverware for each other in the lunch room. One boy saw his friend come into the classroom feeling sad this morning, so he helped write his name tag for him. Second graders helped first graders figure out how to find their lockers, and first graders were saying things like, "Can I use that marker when you're done?" to a table mate.  We all ate lunch together (see the picture), and had recess together. We also had Art. During Morning Meeting, we sang about our class to the tune of "This Old Man". We managed to come up with a verse for everyone.  That was fun.

Please don't forget that tomorrow is PE, so  please send in those sneakers.
Your Homework for tonight, Mom or Dad:
Look at, and respond to, your child's Home-School Journal. Just a couple of lines would be just fine -- or a question or a picture or a riddle.  Then, throw a rubber band around it, and send it back in tomorrow.
Mr. Bolger

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