Friday, September 12, 2014

September 4, 2014

Hello, Parents!

A couple of highlights from today:
Ask your child about what we did after Read-Aloud  to simulate Timothy Frisby's walk to Thorn Valley. (A: we walked through the thick grass instead of taking the bike path -- about 200 yards  -- to understand how difficult it must have been for a teenage field mouse to set off on his own and walk 30 miles to get to Thorn Valley to attend the rats' school -- all the while needing to keep an eye out for hawks and weasels and foxes.   I then had the kids turn around and run back to the playground while I ran after them flapping and crying out like a hawk.
We also had Morning Meeting in our classroom garden to take full advantage of the autumn sun. We will be planting spinach and brussel sprouts with the help of our school gardener, Andrew. We'll be doing all the math involved with counting out the days we have left to grow something (about 55)  -- talking about tens and ones and days elapsed and days still to go.

Have a good night.

Mr. B.

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