Hello Parents!
Send extra clothes, please: the
nurse wanted me to remind you that she doesn't have back up winter
clothes for kids if they get wet outside at recess. So please make sure
your child has an extra set of clothes and socks in their backpacks.
A visit from CVU senior scholar-athletes: today
for reader's workshop we were paid a visit by a group of CVU senior
scholar-athletes. See the attached image below. I had three of them as
3rd and fourth-grade students: Matt Goldsborough (on left), Carly Neeld
(3rd from the right), and Lily Schmoker (on the right). It was a thrill
to have them back in my classroom reading to your children. Look
closely, parents! This is what your children will look like in 9 years.
Ask your child to tell you about one or two of the books these students read to them.
Racso and the Rats of NIMH:
Christopher is deathly sick out in Thorn Valley, The humans are getting
closer and closer to finishing the dam that will flood the entire
valley, and Timothy has a dream that tells him what the Rats need to do
to help Christopher live. Ask your child what Timothy's idea is (A: to
travel back through the snow and ice to the Fitzgibbons' farm to get a
healing potion from Mr. Ages.) Nicodemus says it's too dangerous and he
can't go, but then he thinks of a creative solution. What is it?
We're going to the Scholastic Book Fair: we are going over to WCS next Wednesday, November 12th to go to the Scholastic book fair. We will be going in the morning.
- I tell the students I'm not allowing them to buy trinkets. Just books.
- I encourage parents to send in no more than $5.00 or $10.00 at the most.
- If your family is experiencing financial hardship and needs help on this, please let me know. We have a fund to help buy your child a book. I just quietly let the cashier know that that particular book will be coming out of the Principal's Fund. Please don't be shy. We all need help at one time or another.
- If you would like your child to just browse
during our class visit to the book fair and wait to purchase until you
can accompany him or her after school, just let me know that too.
That's it for now. Happy Friday Eve!
Mr. Bolger
our sharing for this week is, "If you could choose to have the power
to read people's minds, would you do it? Why or why not? "
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