Happy Second Week Back!
1) A quick note to let you know that tomorrow is "Mismatched Tuesday" -- a celebration of our school having filled up our ABS buzzy jar. Kids are invited to come to school dressed in any kind of mismatch they can think of (so long as it won't be TOO distracting. :)
Examples: plaid and polka-dots, one sneaker and one shoe, a long-john shirt with shorts (just for inside of course). Maybe wear a beach towel for a scarf?
2) Strep throat: we have had several cases at ABS of strep throat. Please remind your child to wash early and often -- even after using the water fountain or a dry-erase marker.
3) Want to help out with our class? a number of you have offered to help in one way or another in the classroom or with outside projects. Here is a list of some things I'd love help on:
- leading a reading group once or twice per week for about 1/2 hour. Training available!
- helping out during math class one or two days per week (for 45 mins to one hour). You could work one-on-one with a child, lead a small group, or help out with the main lesson.
- creating and putting up bulletin-boards/posters for the classroom. You could do most of this at home with my sending you the layout/words. Of course, you would get and use materials we have on hand here.
- help keep our classblog and our Kidblog up to date. I would love to have someone work from home to upload finished pieces to our Kidblog. I could send you the many great pictures I have waiting on my phone --and also the ones I receive from all of you -- and you would upload them to one or both of our blogs.
- do YOU have an idea for something you'd like to do that would make this classroom -- and your child's experience in it -- better? Let me know.
4) Would you like to have your child get his or her teeth cleaned? We are setting up very-reasonably-priced appointments with a visiting dental practice. Let me know if you are interested.
5) Ask your child what WIN group he or she is in for this new rotation.Mrs. Powers, Ms. Rodliff, Ms. Schwartz, and I want the kids to know that we will do everything in our power to get kids into their preferred WIN class in upcoming rotations if it hasn't happened already.
Ok. That's it for now. Please email me with any questions. Have a nice week.
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